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In My Own Little World

Realm of the Wench



I do indeed speak without bias;
this is acknowledged as truth among men.
nothing enthralls us like an ample-hipped woman;
nothing else cause such pain...
                     -- snippet from Erotic Passion, Bhartrihari
Hail and well met! You have entered the domain of Rhonda Melones, proud member of the International Wench Guild #52. Now when people hear the word wench, they automatically think the worst. But wenches are people too, in fact here is a little history of the wench:

In 1290, the Oxford English Dictionary defined a wench as "a girl, maid, young woman; a female child."
In 1575, wench took the meaning of "a girl of the rustic or working class."
Now, it's said that sometime around the Victorian period, women of high birth who looked down on peasant women who worked to earn a living began using the term wench to define loose and lowly women as working to earn your keep or not depending on a man for income was not done in that time. Unfortunately, this usage stuck from then on!

Confused? Want to know what a wench actually is? A wench is a strong, independant woman with intelligence and attitude! She is honest, has a great sense of humor and makes no apologies for who she is to anyone! A true wench is powerful, is not ashamed of her sexuality, a true friend to herself and fellow wenches... and causes men to lose the power of speech everytime she takes a deep breath or adjusts her bodice!
The International Wench Guild is always looking for charity events to participate in and help raise money.  One of our crowning achievements is how active everyone is for the "Save the Boobies" walk for Breast Cancer.  If you have a non-political, non-religious charity event and/or fundraiser you would like help with please click the link below for the IWG and contact your local guild or simply emaileth me!

Huzzah!  The Faire season is once again upon us and I will take the liberty of posting faire dates for each month as they pass according to my sources.  So head on over and wish a good morrow to your friendly neighborhood wenches!
May Faire Dates
(according to Renaissance Magazine)
April 30 -May 1
10am - 6pm
Shasta Highlands Renaissance and Celtic Festival
Admission $6
Anderson River Park, Anderson, CA
Weapons must be peace-tied
Camping nearby
May 1 - October 1
(weekends only & Mem/Labor Day)
Ren-Away from the Day
Admission $10
30 acres on Arkansas river, near Canyon City, CO
Weapons must be peace-tied, no firearms
Hotels and camping on-site
email renawayfromtheday@yahoo.com  for more info
April 16 - June 5 (weekends only & Mem day)
10:30am - 6pm
Georgia Renaissance Festival
Admission $15
Exit 61 off I-85
Weapons must be sheathed and peace-tied
Hotels nearby
May 14 - June 5 (weekends only & Mem day)
10am - 6pm
Greater St. Louis Renaissance Faire
Admission $10
Wentzville's Rotary Park
Weapons must be secured
On-site camping for participants only; motels/camping nearby
First 4 weekends in May
10:30am - 6pm
Oklahoma Renaissance Faire at the Castle at Muskogee, OK
Admission: $11.95 ($9.95 adv. purchase)
3400 Fern Mountain Road, Muskogee, OK
Weapons must be sheathed and peace-tied
Camping for participants only; hotels nearby
May 7-8
10am - 5pm
Glastonbury Renaissance Faire
Admission $7
South Beach State Park, 5580 S. Coast Hwy, Newport, OR
Weapons must be sheathed and peace-tied
Camping/motels available
April 9 - May 30 (weekends only & Mem day)
10am - 7pm
Scarborough Faire, The Renaissance Festival
Admission $16.99
2511 FM66, Waxahachie, TX
Weapons must be sheathed and peace-tied
Participant on-site camping available
Motels within 2 miles
May 21 - June 26 (weekends only)
11am - 7pm
Northwest Renaissance Festival
Admission: $7.50
20 min. NW of Spokane, WA
Weapons must be peace-tied
On-site camping available for participants; campgrounds within 5 mins.


While watching the show on Oprah about the lives of women around the world I got information about a WONDERFUL group called Women for Women International!  Here's the lowdown on this group and click here to see how you can help!
Women for Women International was founded in 1993 to help women overcome the horrors of war and civil strife in ways that can help them rebuild their lives, families, and communities. Women for Women International’s tiered program begins with direct financial and emotional support; fosters awareness and understanding of women’s rights; offers vocational skills training; and provides access to income-generation support and microcredit loans that together can help women restart their lives in ways that are independent, productive, and secure.

Women for Women International has direct experience in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda, Kosovo, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Colombia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We have assisted more than 24,000 women, distributing $14 million in direct aid and microcredit loans.

Pray, view these links

Questions? Comments? Email me!
